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Bathroom Skylights

A bathroom skylight is an excellent addition to any home, bringing more light and fresh air into one of the smallest rooms in your house. But to enjoy the full benefit of a bathroom rooflight, skylight or roof lantern, you need to make sure the unit you install is of the highest quality. That’s where we come in. At Rooflights & Roof Lanterns, we specialise in top-quality, UK-made skylights, manufactured to exacting standards from the best available materials. Browse our range of bathroom rooflights, skylights and roof lanterns now and don’t hesitate to contact us if you need any assistance.

 Bathroom Skylights
 bathroom roof lanterns

Do You Need a Bathroom Skylight?

If your main bathroom is in a dark corner of the house or perhaps doesn’t even have any windows, a skylight could make a huge difference. It would allow much-needed natural light to penetrate the gloomy atmosphere, transforming your bathroom into a bright, airy space in which it is a pleasure to spend time. Even if your bathroom is already quite well illuminated, the extra natural light that a skylight provides could prove to be very welcome. Many experts believe that a bathroom rooflight is one of the best home improvement options UK homeowners can choose.

Bathroom Skylight Options to Consider

If you order a custom skylight, you may have a number of options from which to choose, including the following:

Frame Colour

Type of Glazing


Opening Mechanism

Self-Cleaning Coating

The type of glazing can be quite important when specifying a new bathroom roof lantern or skylight, especially if the roof can be overseen by neighbouring properties. In such cases, we recommend considering a skylight with frosted glass to protect your privacy.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Are the Main Benefits of Bathroom Skylights?

If you are still not sure whether installing a skylight in your bathroom is a good idea, consider the following benefits:

Improved Ventilation – Ventilation can be a major problem with smaller bathrooms, especially those with no outside windows to open. If you are fed up of never being able to see what you are doing in your bathroom because there is so much steam in there, a new skylight could be the solution to your problem. 

More Natural Light – Installing a skylight in your bathroom could help to reduce both your household carbon footprint and the size of your future utility bills. With more natural light flooding your bathroom during daylight hours, you won’t have to use artificial illumination as much as you currently do. Your bathroom will also look brighter and more cheerful during the day.

Fewer Mould Issues – Mould likes warm, dark and damp corners so fitting a skylight that allows plenty of natural light to enter your bathroom could help to deter future outbreaks.

With all these benefits and more to look forward to, it’s no surprise that so many people have already chosen to install bathroom skylights in their properties.

What Size Skylight Should I Install in My Bathroom?

Skylights are available in a wide range of standard sizes, with custom-sized units also available to order online. So how do you know which size will be perfect for your bathroom? While you might think it’s just a case of measuring the available roof space and picking a model that fits, most experts recommend following a tried and tested formula when it comes to sizing new skylights. To ensure a pleasant amount of daylight makes its way into your bathroom, experts suggest that for bathrooms with no windows, the total area of the skylight glass should be roughly equal to 15% of the floor area. For bathrooms with windows, the total area of skylight glass should be equal to 3-5% of the floor area. A 1m x 1m skylight would therefore be a good choice for a 4m x 5m bathroom with windows.

How Do You Maintain a Skylight in the Bathroom?

There is no need to follow any special maintenance routine with most types of skylight: simply wipe it down when it gets wet and keep it clean. In other words, you can treat it just like a window.

Ordering Your New Bathroom Rooflight, Skylight or Roof Lantern

When you are ready, you can place an order for a new skylight on our website at any time. Simply choose the options you prefer, along with the appropriate dimensions for your new unit. We aim to complete all orders within a few business days so even with a custom order you won’t have long to wait.